The Effect of Pictures and Paintings on Humans
The Pictures and Paintings, which we use to hang on our homes, offices and in buildings, are effect the behavior of the people which live or work there. Plus the visitor come there also get an image in their mind about the owner. It also impact on the interior also told the belief of owner.
There are many teachings in which the impact of Paintings/Pictures describe.
One of them is Feng Shui.
Metal Paintings and Pictures are associate with money,coins and wealth.
Red/ Fire Paintings and Pictures are associate the success,hot, illuminating and spark, hot, illuminating and spark.
Green/Wood Paintings and Pictures are associate growth, energy, fortune. The best symbol of wood energy is something fresh, natural energy up word growth.
Blue/Water Paintings and Pictures are associate with life, Journey, wealth, money and career. Water is deep and fluid. It can be also images of fountains, rivers and oceans.
Brown/Yellow/Earth Paintings and Pictures are associate different relationships,family, business and so on. The energy of elements is sandy. The best symbol of earth is mountain.