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Dreamer  “If you are a dreamer, come in; If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hoper, a pray-er, a magic-bean-buyer; If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire; For we have some flax golden tales to spin. Come in!  Come in!”  ―... seguir leyendo »
QUOTATIONS WRITTTEN ON PICTURES OR PAINTINGS Quotations grow with the human history. Quotations are worthful when ever anyone read even once thought about that for a while . Some of them even try to implement in their lives. But if the quotation... seguir leyendo »
Beautiful Pictures and Paintings with New Year Wishes  It's a new Year. It's like sunshine of hope, prosperity and happiness. It's like new beginning of thoughts, words and actions. It's like new day of energy, strength and ideas. It's a bunch... seguir leyendo »
Paintings and Pictures as Gift Gifts are an essential part of our life. In life, all of us give or take gifts to someone  in any shape or style. We gives gifts on some special occasions like birthdays, parties or even on thanks giving day. But... seguir leyendo »
Wall Decor with Paintings and Pictures A blank wall is like a blank canvas add paintings, pictures, texture, wall papers or even a  flower or butterfly. You can change personality of a room by giving single or some characters. Like you can change... seguir leyendo »


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